Do you want to
- Experience God in a real way for yourself?
- Find the power to overcome weaknesses and destructive habits?
- Experience love, joy, and lasting peace?
- Be filled with God’s Presence (the Holy Spirit)?
Join us for a life-changing 40-day Journey to be Filled with the Holy Spirit, Sept 3-Oct 14. 40 Days of Prayer… Preparing for OVERFLOW.
- SIGN UP Today (2 options).
- Click HERE to sign up online OR
- CELL: Text the keyword or “OVERFLOW” to (704) 842-9997 and follow the sign up instructions. You will receive emails and text messages with details
- Do Weekly Readings (Book: Steps to Personal Revival), one chap. per week

Sept 3- 9 Chapter 1
Sep 10 -16 Chapter 2
Sept 17-23 Chapter 3
Sept 24-30 Chapter 4
Oct 1-7 Chapter 5
Oct 8-14 Chapter 6

Steps to Personal Revival - EBOOK & Audio Book Download.
You can download Steps to Personal Revival in the following formats (click format to download):
- Join us at Berean Church for a transformational worship experience and messages by Pastor Kevin Rogers on the Holy Spirit on Saturdays at 11:00 AM beginning September 9th at Berean SDA Church, 1801 Double Oaks Rd, Charlotte, NC.
- Join Zoom meeting on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM beginning Sept 6th.
Click HERE to join on Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Meeting ID: 932 0942 9379 Passcode: 933834
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